Cloud-oriented Life

Cloud Native Technology Improves Lives

Troubleshooting Access Denied Errors in Alibaba Cloud OSS

When working with Alibaba cloud storage, one of the most frustrating issues you can encounter is an “Access Denied” error, when you’re in the middle of transferring a file with ossutil. This blog post will walk you through a common issue related to Alibaba Cloud’s Object Storage Service (OSS) and how to quickly resolve it by properly configuring your ossutil tool.

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Resolving “Permission Denied for Table” Error in PostgreSQL pg_dump

When managing PostgreSQL databases, one of the common tasks is creating backups using the pg_dump utility. However, you might encounter a frustrating error during this process, especially when your user lacks the necessary permissions. A common error looks like this:

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Persisting Logs in Ingress Nginx

When running an application at scale in a Kubernetes environment, logging is essential for monitoring, debugging, and auditing. Ingress Nginx, a popular ingress controller, plays a critical role in managing and routing traffic into your Kubernetes cluster. This article will walk you through how to persist logs in Ingress Nginx, including how to configure different types of logs such as controller logs, access logs, and error logs.

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Enhancing Your Workflow with Bundler’s Auto-Install

Working in a large monolithic application often means dealing with frequent changes from multiple engineers. Every time you pull from main, you’re likely to encounter the familiar ritual of running bundle install, followed by rails db:prepare if you’re on a Rails application. Missing the bundle install step can lead to frustrating errors like:

Could not find X-1.2.3 in locally installed gems
Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

With Bundler 2.5.10, there’s a game-changing update: the auto_install config. By setting this in your project or globally:

bundle config auto_install true
# or
bundle config --global auto_install true

Bundler will automatically install missing gems on demand. While auto_install isn’t new, it now supports any command that uses require "bundler/setup", including binstubs.

Streamlining Kubernetes Logging with Loki and Promtail

In the world of Kubernetes, efficient log management is crucial for maintaining and troubleshooting applications. Enter Loki and Promtail, a powerful duo that simplifies log collection and analysis in Kubernetes environments. This blog post will explore how to set up Promtail as a DaemonSet and configure it to work seamlessly with Loki.

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Resolving 404 Errors with Debian Jessie Repositories on Aliyun Mirrors

If you’ve been managing Debian servers, especially those running the older Jessie distribution, you might have encountered a frustrating 404 Not Found error when trying to fetch updates from Aliyun mirrors. This error typically looks something like this:

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Resolving APT Installation Issues with --allow-unauthenticated

When managing packages on Debian-based systems, APT (apt-get) is a powerful tool that ensures installations are secure and reliable. However, there are instances where you might encounter issues during package installation, especially when using the -y flag for automatic confirmation without manual intervention.

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Creating a Rails App with React by jsbundling-rails Gem

Ruby on Rails is a robust web application framework that simplifies the creation of complex web applications. One of the recent additions to the Rails ecosystem is the jsbundling-rails gem, which provides a streamlined way to manage JavaScript bundling with tools like Esbuild. In this blog, we’ll walk through setting up a new Rails application with the jsbundling-rails gem, configuring Esbuild, and integrating popular JavaScript libraries React.

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Managing Bootsnap Cache in Rails: Troubleshooting Common Issues

When working with Ruby on Rails applications, optimizing performance and ensuring smooth deployments are paramount. One powerful tool in the Rails ecosystem for speeding up boot times is Bootsnap, which caches expensive computations and can significantly reduce application startup times. However, like any caching mechanism, it can sometimes cause issues that developers need to address. In this blog post, we’ll explore a common issue related to Bootsnap caching and how to resolve it effectively.

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How to Install and Register GitLab Runner and Shell Executor on CentOS

In today’s DevOps landscape, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines are essential for delivering high-quality software. GitLab Runner, a tool used to run jobs in a GitLab CI/CD pipeline, is an integral part of this process. This guide will walk you through installing and registering GitLab Runner on CentOS, ensuring you have a reliable setup for your development workflow.

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