[Awesome Ruby Gem] Use valid_email2 gem to validate email address
Validate emails with the help of the mail gem instead of some clunky regexp. Aditionally validate that the domain has a MX record. Optionally validate against a static list of disposable email services - https://github.com/micke/valid_email2/blob/master/config/disposable_email_domains.txt. Optionally validate that the email is not subaddressed ([RFC5233 - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5233]{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5233}).
You can install it as a gem:
1 | gem install valid_email2 |
or add it into a Gemfile (Bundler):
1 | # Gemfile |
Then, run bundle install
1 | bundle install |
Use with ActiveModel
If you just want to validate that it is a valid email address:
1 | class User < ActiveRecord::Base |
To validate that the domain has an MX record or A record:
1 | validates :email, 'valid_email_2/email': { mx: true } |
To validate strictly that the domain has an MX record:
1 | validates :email, 'valid_email_2/email': { strict_mx: true } |
strict_mx and mx both default to a 5 second timeout for DNS lookups. To override this timeout, specify a dns_timeout option:
1 | validates :email, 'valid_email_2/email': { strict_mx: true, dns_timeout: 10 } |
To validate that the domain is not a disposable email (checks domain and MX server):
1 | validates :email, 'valid_email_2/email': { disposable: true } |
To validate that the domain is not a disposable email (checks domain only, does not check MX server):
1 | validates :email, 'valid_email_2/email': { disposable_domain: true } |
To validate that the domain is not a disposable email or a disposable email (checks domain and MX server) but whitelisted (under config/whitelisted_email_domains.yml):
1 | validates :email, 'valid_email_2/email': { disposable_with_whitelist: true } |
To validate that the domain is not a disposable email or a disposable email (checks domain only, does not check MX server) but whitelisted (under config/whitelisted_email_domains.yml):
1 | validates :email, 'valid_email_2/email': { disposable_domain_with_whitelist: true } |
To validate that the domain is not blacklisted (under config/blacklisted_email_domains.yml):
1 | validates :email, 'valid_email_2/email': { blacklist: true } |
To validate that email is not subaddressed:
1 | validates :email, 'valid_email_2/email': { disallow_subaddressing: true } |
To validate that email does not contain a dot before the @:
1 | validates :email, 'valid_email_2/email': { disallow_dotted: true } |
To validate create your own custom message:
1 | validates :email, 'valid_email_2/email': { message: "is not a valid email" } |
To allow multiple addresses separated by comma:
1 | validates :email, 'valid_email_2/email': { multiple: true } |
All together:
1 | validates :email, 'valid_email_2/email': { mx: true, disposable: true, disallow_subaddressing: true} |
Note that this gem will let an empty email pass through so you will need to add presence: true if you require an email
Use without ActiveModel
1 | address = ValidEmail2::Address.new("[email protected]") |
Test environment
If you are validating mx then your specs will fail without an internet connection. It is a good idea to stub out that validation in your test environment.
Do so by adding this in your spec_helper:
1 | config.before(:each) do |
Validating disposable e-mails triggers a mx validation alongside checking if the domain is disposable. The above stub does not apply to the disposable validation and should therefore be individually stubbed with:
1 | config.before(:each) do |
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