[Awesome macOS App] Use Dozer to hide menu bar icons on macOS


Dozer lets you hide menu bar icons on macOS.


Using Homebrew

$ brew install --cask dozer

Manual download

Download - https://github.com/Mortennn/Dozer/releases/latest, open and drag the app to the Applications folder.

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Usage

  • Move the icons you want to hide until clicked to the left of the second Dozer icon

  • Move the icons you want to hide until option-clicked to the left of the third Dozer icon

N.B. hold command (⌘) then drag to move the menu bar icons.

πŸ‘‡ Interactions

  • Left-click one of the Dozer icons to hide/show the first group of menu bar icons

  • Option-Left-click one of the Dozer icons to show the second group of menu bar icons (optional)

  • Right-click one of the Dozer icons to open the settings


[1] Mortennn/Dozer: Hide menu bar icons on macOS - https://github.com/Mortennn/Dozer

[2] Hidden Bar on the AppΒ Store - https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/hidden-bar/id1452453066

[3] dwarvesf/hidden: An ultra-light MacOS utility that helps hide menu bar icons - https://github.com/dwarvesf/hidden