Go functions have a unique naming style. One, who has experience in other language but new in Go, may have difficulties to find out right string function to use.
Function Friends # Center str.center in Python; String#center in Ruby #30 Count String#count in Ruby #16 Delete String#delete in Ruby #17 ExpandTabs str.expandtabs in Python #27 FirstRuneToLower lcfirst in PHP or Perl #15 FirstRuneToUpper String#capitalize in Ruby; ucfirst in PHP or Perl #15 Insert String#insert in Ruby #18 LastPartition str.rpartition in Python; String#rpartition in Ruby #19 LeftJustify str.ljust in Python; String#ljust in Ruby #28 Len mb_strlen in PHP #23 Partition str.partition in Python; String#partition in Ruby #10 Reverse String#reverse in Ruby; strrev in PHP; reverse in Perl #7 RightJustify str.rjust in Python; String#rjust in Ruby #29 RuneWidth - #27 Scrub String#scrub in Ruby #20 Shuffle str_shuffle in PHP #13 ShuffleSource str_shuffle in PHP #13 Slice mb_substr in PHP #9 Squeeze String#squeeze in Ruby #11 Successor String#succ or String#next in Ruby #22 SwapCase str.swapcase in Python; String#swapcase in Ruby #12 ToCamelCase String#camelize in RoR #1 ToKebab - #41 ToSnakeCase String#underscore in RoR #1 Translate str.translate in Python; String#tr in Ruby; strtr in PHP; tr/// in Perl #21 Width mb_strwidth in PHP #26 WordCount str_word_count in PHP #14 WordSplit - #14
Package strings functions
Keep this table sorted by Function in ascending order.
Function Friends Contains String#include? in Ruby ContainsAny - ContainsRune - Count str.count in Python; substr_count in PHP EqualFold stricmp in PHP; String#casecmp in Ruby Fields str.split in Python; split in Perl; String#split in Ruby FieldsFunc - HasPrefix str.startswith in Python; String#start_with? in Ruby HasSuffix str.endswith in Python; String#end_with? in Ruby Index str.index in Python; String#index in Ruby; strpos in PHP; index in Perl IndexAny - IndexByte - IndexFunc - IndexRune - Join str.join in Python; Array#join in Ruby; implode in PHP; join in Perl LastIndex str.rindex in Python; String#rindex; strrpos in PHP; rindex in Perl LastIndexAny - LastIndexFunc - Map String#each_codepoint in Ruby Repeat operator * in Python and Ruby; str_repeat in PHP Replace str.replace in Python; String#sub in Ruby; str_replace in PHP Split str.split in Python; String#split in Ruby; explode in PHP; split in Perl SplitAfter - SplitAfterN - SplitN str.split in Python; String#split in Ruby; explode in PHP; split in Perl Title str.title in Python ToLower str.lower in Python; String#downcase in Ruby; strtolower in PHP; lc in Perl ToLowerSpecial - ToTitle - ToTitleSpecial - ToUpper str.upper in Python; String#upcase in Ruby; strtoupper in PHP; uc in Perl ToUpperSpecial - Trim str.strip in Python; String#strip in Ruby; trim in PHP TrimFunc - TrimLeft str.lstrip in Python; String#lstrip in Ruby; ltrim in PHP TrimLeftFunc - TrimPrefix - TrimRight str.rstrip in Python; String#rstrip in Ruby; rtrim in PHP TrimRightFunc - TrimSpace str.strip in Python; String#strip in Ruby; trim in PHP TrimSuffix String#chomp in Ruby; chomp in Perl