[Alibaba Cloud] Troubleshooting Access Denied Errors in Alibaba Cloud OSS

Troubleshooting Access Denied Errors in Alibaba Cloud OSS

When working with Alibaba cloud storage, one of the most frustrating issues you can encounter is an “Access Denied” error, when you’re in the middle of transferring a file with ossutil. This blog post will walk you through a common issue related to Alibaba Cloud’s Object Storage Service (OSS) and how to quickly resolve it by properly configuring your ossutil tool.

The Problem: “You have no right to access this object.”

Imagine you’re trying to copy a file named a.log to your OSS bucket using the ossutil command:

ossutil cp a.log oss://backup/

Instead of a smooth transfer, you receive an error message that looks something like this:

retry count: 9, multipart upload file: a.log.
Total num: 1, size: 648,565,608. Dealed num: 0, Transfer size: 0. When error happens.
Error: oss: service returned error: StatusCode=403, ErrorCode=AccessDenied, ErrorMessage="You have no right to access this object.", RequestId=xxxxxxxxxxxx, File=a.log

This error, with the 403 status code and AccessDenied message, indicates that the OSS service has refused your request due to insufficient permissions.

Common Causes

This error can be caused by a variety of issues:

  1. Invalid OSS Credentials: The access key or secret key you are using might be incorrect or have insufficient permissions.
  2. Incorrect Bucket Policies: The bucket might have policies that restrict access from your account or specific actions.
  3. Region Endpoint Mismatch: The endpoint you’re using might not correspond to the region where your OSS bucket is located.
  4. Improperly Configured ossutil: This is the most likely culprit in many cases, particularly if the endpoint is misconfigured.

The Solution: Checking and Correcting the Endpoint

The key to resolving this issue often lies in the configuration file used by ossutil, located at ~/.ossutilconfig. This file stores important information such as your credentials and the endpoint you are using to interact with OSS.

Step 1: Locate Your Configuration File

First, open your configuration file with a text editor:

cat ~/.ossutilconfig

You should see something like this:


Step 2: Update the Endpoint Protocol

The issue often arises from using an endpoint without specifying the correct protocol (HTTP/HTTPS). For example, the endpoint might be set to oss-cn-hongkong-internal.aliyuncs.com, which is an internal address that typically does not use HTTPS.

To resolve the access issue, update the endpoint to explicitly use HTTPS:

# ~/.ossutilconfig

- endpoint=oss-cn-hongkong-internal.aliyuncs.com
+ endpoint=https://oss-cn-hongkong-internal.aliyuncs.com

This change forces ossutil to communicate with OSS over a secure HTTPS connection, which is often required for access.

Step 3: Save and Retry

After saving the changes to your ~/.ossutilconfig file, retry your ossutil cp command:

ossutil cp a.log oss://backup/

If the issue was related to the endpoint configuration, the transfer should now proceed without any access errors.

Why the Endpoint Matters

The endpoint in OSS configuration specifies the URL used to access your bucket and the region in which the bucket resides. Each region has its specific endpoint, and using the correct one ensures that your requests are routed properly.

  • Internal vs. External Endpoints: Internal endpoints (e.g., oss-cn-hongkong-internal.aliyuncs.com) are often used within Alibaba Cloud’s network, typically for performance reasons. However, these might not be accessible from outside the network or may require specific protocols like HTTPS for secure access.
  • Protocol Matters: Using HTTP might be blocked by security policies, especially for buckets configured to only accept HTTPS connections.

Additional Tips

  • Check Your Permissions: Ensure that your Alibaba Cloud account or RAM (Resource Access Management) user has the necessary permissions to perform actions on the bucket.
  • Validate Bucket Policies: Review the bucket’s access control policies to confirm they allow the actions you’re attempting.
  • Region and Endpoint Alignment: Always ensure that the endpoint you specify corresponds to the region where your bucket is located. For more information, see the Alibaba Cloud documentation on Regions and Endpoints.


Encountering a “You have no right to access this object” error while using Alibaba Cloud’s OSS can be a hassle, but in many cases, it’s simply a matter of correcting your ossutil configuration. By ensuring that your endpoint is correctly set with the https:// prefix, you can often resolve these access issues quickly and get back to working with your cloud storage without further delays.

For more detailed information on configuring ossutil, refer to the Alibaba Cloud Documentation - https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/en/oss/developer-reference/configure-ossutil.

This blog post aimed to provide a concise yet comprehensive guide to troubleshooting a common OSS access issue. By following these steps, you can minimize downtime and maintain smooth operations in your cloud-based workflows.