Cloud-oriented Life

Cloud Native Technology Improves Lives

Exception: Zlib::DataError: unknown compression method

Recently encountered a problem when we used rest-client, faraday gem or other HTTP client libraries to post data to WeChat Pay Unifiedorder API -

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Docker Desktop, Docker Compose and Kubernetes (K8S) on macOS

Docker Desktop is an easy-to-install application for your Mac or Windows environment that enables you to build and share containerized applications and microservices. Docker Desktop includes Docker Engine, Docker CLI client, Docker Compose, Docker Content Trust, Kubernetes, and Credential Helper.

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update-kube-cert is used to extended kubernetes cluster certificates that have expired or are about to expire.

This script is suitable for all k8s version cluster certificate update (using kubeadm initialized cluster).

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Ingress Nginx with ModSecurity

ModSecurity, sometimes called Modsec, is an open-source web application firewall (WAF). Originally designed as a module for the Apache HTTP Server, it has evolved to provide an array of Hypertext Transfer Protocol request and response filtering capabilities along with other security features across a number of different platforms including Apache HTTP Server,[1][2] Microsoft IIS and Nginx.[3] It is a free software released under the Apache license 2.0.

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Easy cloning of active_record objects including associations and several operations under associations and attributes.

The goal was to be able to easily and quickly reproduce ActiveRecord objects including their children, for example copying a blog post maintaining its associated tags or categories.

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