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Paramiko is a pure-Python (2.7, 3.4+) implementation of the SSHv2 protocol, providing both client and server functionality. It provides the foundation for the high-level SSH library Fabric, which is what we recommend you use for common client use-cases such as running remote shell commands or transferring files.

Direct use of Paramiko itself is only intended for users who need advanced/low-level primitives or want to run an in-Python sshd.

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RedisHashStore extends ActiveSupport’s RedisCacheStore - to provide the ability to easily use Redis hashes for caching.

We decided to create this gem because:

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npm FAQs

npm ERR! no space left on device

$ echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p

npm ERR! No Space left on device · Issue #1131 · npm/npm -

Remove macOS FileSystem watch limit. SEE: -


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[2] npm community portal -

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An iterations per second enhancement to Benchmark.


benchmark/ips - benchmarks a blocks iterations/second. For short snippits of code, ips automatically figures out how many times to run the code to get interesting data. No more guessing at random iteration counts!

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As the name states, ObjectTracer allows you to secretly listen to different events of an object:

  • Method Calls - what does the object do

  • Traces - how is the object used by the application

  • State Mutations - what happens inside the object

After collecting the events, ObjectTracer will output them in a nice, readable format to either stdout or a file.

Ultimately, its goal is to let you know all the information you need for debugging with just 1 line of code.

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Rpush. The push notification service for Ruby.

Rpush aims to be the de facto gem for sending push notifications in Ruby. Its core goals are ease of use, reliability and a rich feature set. Rpush provides numerous advanced features not found in others gems, giving you greater control & insight as your project grows. These are a few of the reasons why companies worldwide rely on Rpush to deliver their notifications.

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spreadsheet is a Library is designed to read and write Spreadsheet Documents. As of version 0.6.0, only Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheets are supported. Spreadsheet is a combination/complete rewrite of the Spreadsheet::Excel Library by Daniel J. Berger and the ParseExcel Library by Hannes Wyss. Spreadsheet can read, write and modify Spreadsheet Documents.

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