11-06 [Kubernetes (K8S)] Helm install x509-certificate-exporter to monitor Certificates expiration within Kubernetes (K8S)
10-09 [Infrastructure as Code (IaC)] GitLab Runner, Kubernetes executor and kaniko to build container images from a Dockerfile inside a Kubernetes (K8S)
10-02 [Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Pulumi] Use Pulumi kubernetes (K8S) Helm Chart to deploy Bitnami Redis Cluster
10-02 [Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Pulumi] Use Pulumi kubernetes (K8S) Helm Chart to deploy Bitnami Redis
10-02 [Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Pulumi] Use Pulumi kubernetes (K8S) Helm Chart to deploy Rancher Local Path Provisioner to provide dynamic provisioning the volume using hostPath