02-27 [Kubernetes (K8S) Ingress Nginx] Use Prometheus and Grafana for scraping the metrics of the Nginx Ingress controller
01-23 [Kubernetes (K8S)] Helm install Sentry 9.x to collect and aggregate crash reporting within Kubernetes (K8S)
01-16 [Kubernetes (K8S)] Helm install PostHog to provide product analytics stack within Kubernetes (K8S)
11-21 [Kubernetes (K8S)] Deploy Weave Scope to provide a visualization and monitoring tool for Kubernetes (K8S)
11-21 [Kubernetes (K8S)] Helm install openldap and phpldapadmin to manage LDAP objects within Kubernetes (K8S)
11-07 [Kubernetes (K8S)] Helm install Grafana Loki to deploy a log aggregation system within Kubernetes (K8S)