Cloud-oriented Life

Cloud Native Technology Improves Lives


GraphQL (and Apollo Federation) support for Graphiti. Serve traditional Rails JSON, JSON:API or GraphQL with the same codebase.

Graphiti makes RESTful Resources a first-class concept. This enables reading and writing a graph of data in a single request, a schema with backwards-compatible guarantee, end-to-end integration test patterns, seamless microservices and much more.

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Graphiti makes RESTful Resources a first-class concept. This enables reading and writing a graph of data in a single request, a schema with backwards-compatible guarantee, end-to-end integration test patterns, seamless microservices and much more.

This quickstart will use Rails with ActiveRecord to give an overview of Graphiti functionality on familiar ground. For a more in-depth breakdown, head to the Guides -

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DevOpsProdigy KubeGraf

DevOpsProdigy KubeGraf is the Kubernetes plugin for Grafana.

This plugin allows you to visualize and analyze your Kubernetes cluster’s performance. It demonstrates in graphics the main service metrics and characteristics of the Kubernetes cluster. It also makes it easier to examine the application’s life cycle and error logs.

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kube-fledged is a kubernetes operator for creating and managing a cache of container images directly on the worker nodes of a kubernetes cluster. It allows a user to define a list of images and onto which worker nodes those images should be cached (i.e. pulled). As a result, application pods start almost instantly, since the images need not be pulled from the registry.

kube-fledged provides CRUD APIs to manage the lifecycle of the image cache, and supports several configurable parameters to customize the functioning as per one’s needs.

This article is about how to use Helm to install kube-fledged on Kubernetes (K8S).

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growpart and resize2fs to extend disk size

Alibaba CLoud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) is a high-performance, stable, reliable, and scalable IaaS-level service provided by Alibaba Cloud. ECS eliminates the need for upfront investments in IT hardware and allows you to scale computing resources on demand. This makes ECS instances more convenient and efficient than physical servers. ECS provides a variety of instance types that suit various business needs and helps boost business growth.

This article provides instructions on how to use tools such as growpart and resize2fs to extend the partition and file system of the Linux system disk.

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Configuring scale bounds

You can configure upper and lower bounds to control autoscaling behavior.

You can also specify the initial scale that a Revision is scaled to immediately after creation. This can be a default configuration for all Revisions, or for a specific Revision using an annotation.

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Configuring a target provide the Autoscaler with a value that it tries to maintain for the configured metric for a revision. See the metrics - documentation for more information about configurable metric types.

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